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    Select Your Prospect Types

    Select the type of prospects that fit the types of clients you desire. We will provide you with the materials they request as long as you have an active Retirement Prospects account. These materials are supplied at no additional charge.

    You must select a minimum of two prospect types, including at least one generic prospect type "Retirees" or "Pre-retirees" to proceed.

    Pre-retirees - These prospects are planning their retirement and are candidates for investment services such as money management, mutual funds, rollover assistance as well as insurance products like annuities and long-term care. They request the booklet titled "Retire Smart: A Simple Guide to a Comfortable Retirement."
    Retirees - These prospects are already retired and seek to generate income and preserve their assets. They are perfect candidates for money management/investment services, annuities, estate planning, and long-term care. They request the booklet titled "How to Prosper and Thrive in Retirement."

    Annuity Owners - These are people who have an interest in annuities OR they already own an annuity and are likely to buy another. They have responded to our ad for the booklet "Annuity Owner Mistakes."

    Annuity Prospects - These mature investors want to cut their taxes and seek solutions to do so, and have requested the booklet "Six Strategies to Help Retirees Reduce Taxes", which explains the benefits of annuities in reducing taxes.

    IRA and 401k Rollovers - Prospects are typically on the cusp of retirement (or changing jobs), are concerned about rollover issues, and have "money in motion." They request the booklet titled "Six Best and Worst IRA Rollover Decisions."

    Life Insurance - These are mature people who either have life insurance they think they don't need, or people who think they need life insurance that they don't have. They request the booklet titled "The Best Way to Buy, Sell, or Replace Your Life Insurance."

    LTC Buyers - These prospects are thinking about getting a long-term care policy or have questions they need answered. They request the booklet titled "Avoid Mistakes in Buying LTC Insurance."

    Investors - These respondents are candidates for managed accounts, mutual funds and ETFs. They request the booklet titled "How Wealthy People Invest - The Secrets of Professional Money Management."

    Interest Income Seekers - These folks typically seek banks that pay higher interest and also buy immediate annuities, bonds, bond funds, and securities that provide income. They request the booklet titled "CD Shoppers' Guide."

    Financial Analysis - These mature investors respond to our ads for a "Computerized Retirement Analysis" of their personal finances, reporting current investment status, and future projections. For this type of prospect, you need to provide a mini-computerized retirement plan.

    Maximize Social Security - If you want the maximum number of appointments, show prospects how to get more income from Social Security. We teach you what you need to know to gain the prospect's trust. Then, once have their trust, you are in the #1 position to provide their investing and insurance needs. (Keep in mind that annuities are about the only way to reduce income tax on social security income).

    Client Confidentiality

    Client confidentiality is the principle that an institution or individual should not reveal information about their clients to a third party without the consent of the client or a clear legal reason. Retirement Prospects respects this right of our clients, and will never give out personal contact information to a third party without express consent. Comments posted on this site are used with expressed consent, and agreement that personally identifiable information will not be divulged.